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Mortimer Adler on Plato, Legal Positivism, and Natural Law

Via George Anastaplo’s “In Re Antonin Scalia”, wherein we see Scalia as a legal positivist and no natural lawyer, more a “modern” than a Catholic conservative. But first, the great Mortimer Adler on...

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Me On Conservatism

Strictly speaking, “conservatism” only plays for a tie. In American conservatism, there’s a bit of revanchism, but only so much of a rollback is even possible: overturn Roe and the question reverts to...

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The Limited Moral Case Against Wealth Inequality

Submitted for comment, the below is a portion of a long piece I’ve been working on for some time on the role of government in the modern U.S. economy, including its role in addressing the limited...

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Liberalism: A Post-Mortem

I lost half of yesterday afternoon obsessing over early election returns, the evening hours brooding about the GOP defeat, and much of this morning so far catching up on post-mortems.  I’m providing...

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The Cliff: Fake Poll, Real Quote

“Look, if you taxed every person in successful small business making over $250,000 at a hundred percent, it’d only run the government for 98 days. If everybody who paid income taxes last year,...

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The Fiscal Cliff and the Showdown Between Redistribution and Property Rights

…But first, Milton Friedman agreeing with a socialist:  “One of the reasons why I am in favor of less government is because when you have more government, industrialists take it over, and the two...

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The Doomsday Provision

[Originally posted at the main page.] Why do we have the Second Amendment?  Wait, let’s back up.  Why do we have the First Amendment?  Speech is important to happiness and flourishing, we can all...

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The Second Inaugural’s Attempt to Re-Found America

While repeatedly announcing his fidelity to America’s founding principles, President Obama’s second inaugural announces a very different vision of America.  Near the beginning of his speech, the...

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Is Progressivism a Child of the Founding? Does It Matter?

In a recent interview with James L. Buckley at Uncommon Knowledge, Peter Robinson posed the following question: By the time I came along, the New Deal had been enacted.  But you came along beforehand....

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The NSA and Privacy: Why Conservatives Should Not Be Sanguine

Defending the NSA’s program that collects information about the American public’s phone calls and emails, President Obama offered this bit of doublespeak: Well, in the end, and what I’ve said, and I...

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